LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of 40+ advanced filters
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of the recommended matches feature
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of the Spotlights feature
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of the keyword and Boolean search feature
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of how you can filter by gender within candidate searches
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of the InMail feature
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of InMail's ability to sort by unread, accepted, declined, inmail, or email
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of the Projects feature
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of the Recruiting Activity feature
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of the Collaborations features
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of the Reporting features
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of the Custom Reporting features
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of the InMail performance data reporting feature
LinkedIn Recruiter tool screenshot of the hiring funnel insights feature

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