
Show and attribute value

  • At Atlassian, the goal was clear: become a leading expert in the paid media space and share successes across various initiatives and teams to enhance measurement capabilities. The team focused on deep funnel metrics for users and aimed to refine both their ABM strategy and overall campaign effectiveness.

  • Amid business changes and macro shifts, Atlassian aimed to invest only in the ad platforms, products, and campaigns delivering a significant return on ad spend. The team recognized LinkedIn as a key partner to shape their long-term marketing strategy.
Photo a woman looking at her tablet


Understand how you measure

  • The Atlassian team utilized LinkedIn's Measurement Maturity Index (MMI) to collect, store, monitor, and evaluate their measurement maturity.

  • The MMI results suggested that Atlassian prioritize three essential pillars: reporting, signals, and insights. By implementing diverse strategies such as CAPI, Advanced Insights and Dynamic UTMS, Atlassian was able to significantly improve their measurement capabilities. This approach enhanced their understanding of ad performance, content, and audience intelligence from LinkedIn ads.

Success Factors

Be the change you seek

  • Atlassian’s core values of "be the change you seek" drives their proactive approach to testing various strategies and products, fostering a culture of ongoing learning, innovation and adaptation to what truly works.

  • While using CAPI the team can now optimize towards the events they care about and increase attribution back to LinkedIn with Dynamic UTMs.

  • Before integrating Atlassian’s CRM with LinkedIn campaign data, they lacked a comprehensive view of how LinkedIn campaigns impacted their critical deep funnel metrics. Advanced Insights now enables them to bridge the gap between campaigns and deep funnel results, providing a holistic view of the customer journey beyond what last-touch attribution can reveal.
Photo of two women working at a laptop

Unprecedented increase on ROI

Through an implementation of diverse strategies as well as CAPI and Advanced Insights the team was able to prove the value of their investment on LinkedIn.