Illustration of several individuals working surrounding the metric of 1 billion+ business professionals.

Reach an audience of 1 billion+ business professionals

Professionals worldwide gather on LinkedIn to stay connected and informed, advance their careers, and work smarter

Illustration of the world map highlighting all the continents such as North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.

How our members break down across 200 countries and territories.

  • Asia-Pacific: 277 million users
  • Europe: 257 million users
  • North America: 233 million users
  • Latin America: 156 million users
  • Middle East & Africa: 60 million users

Marketers can tap into our powerful professional demographics data

Illustration of dashboards and several profile images of individuals.
  • Learn more about audiences through professional demographics
  • Zero in on intent, behavior, engagement, interests, and more
  • Reach the LinkedIn audience involved in the buying decision

"With these campaigns, we can know exactly who this job title is that’s in front of this ad, and what company they’re at. And it makes our job of finding these people much easier."

Reach your target audience with precision and scale with our different marketing solutions.

Reach people who matter most to your business.

Ad Targeting →

Find your target audience matched to a list of your contacts, by company, or recent engagement.

Matched Audiences →

Find similar business professionals who may be interested in your offerings.

Audience Expansion →

Learn why today’s LinkedIn audience is a more actionable, receptive, and powerful consumer.

Meet the LinkedIn Member →

Serve ads to professionals across multiple touchpoints on our network of publishers.

LinkedIn Audience Network →

Our advertising platform empowers you to deliver against any and all marketing objectives: brand awareness, engagement, lead generation, and conversions.

Illustration of two individuals in front of graphs and charts on the board, one is sitting with their laptop while the other is standing.

Our journey to 1 billion members

2003   LinkedIn is founded

2004   Reaches 1 million members

2005   First ad appears on LinkedIn

2007   Reaches 10 million members

2008   Text Ads launches

2011   Reaches 100 million members

2013   Sponsored Content launches

2017   Lead Gen Form launches
             Reaches 500 million members

2018   Pages launches
             Video Ads and Carousel Ads debut

2023   Reaches 1 billion members

See how to leverage the world’s largest professional network.

Connect to opportunity

Start reaching the world's largest professional audiences.

Illustration of several individuals displayed over the globe.

Frequently asked questions

Illustration of two individuals standing an having a conversation.

What is the LinkedIn Audience Network

The LinkedIn Audience Network is a feature that allows you to extend the reach of your single image, carousel, and video ads by delivering beyond the LinkedIn feed to members on third-party apps and sites.

What is the ideal audience size?

The minimum audience size required to run an advertising campaign is 300 members; however, to have the optimal scale for your campaign, aim for an audience size of 50,000 or more for single image and text ads and over 15,000 for message ads.

Can you add or exclude audiences on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn’s targeting allows you to customize your audience using LinkedIn’s demographic/firmographic data and your data such as matched audiences. The ‘AND-OR’ feature helps you further refine your targeting criteria by using either ‘Narrow’ or ‘Exclude’ audiences. For example, you can target the job title of Software Engineer OR the Software Engineer skill AND have 5+ years of experience AND exclude the job title of Design Engineer.