
A new concept in networking, built through the power of Sponsored InMail

Global Business Owners is an international business network that delivers value for company owners through the exclusive calibre of its membership. Its spectacular growth has been driven entirely through the targeting capabilities and unique response rates of Sponsored InMail.

  • Global Business Owners organises exclusive monthly social events for company leaders, presidents and founders in major European cities.
  • It uses LinkedIn data to identify potential new members – and then reaches out through personalised Sponsored InMail messages.
  • Prospective members are invited to try a Global Business Owners event in their city, before deciding whether to take up membership.
  • The network’s always-on Sponsored InMail campaign delivers an open rate of 78%, and generates around 800 leads and 400 new booked guests every month.
  • The campaign is growing Global Business Owners’ membership at a rate of 150 new members per month, far exceeding initial expectations.

About Global Business Owners

Global Business Owners (GBO) is a membership club for company owners, partners, founders and leaders. You will find high level but relaxed business networking between corporate people from many different business areas.

Peter Redrin
Peter Redrin
Global Business Owners