• To promote the Be IT Campaign via its communication hub (www.madeinitaly.gov.it) while positioning Italy as the go-to choice for investors and buyers across 26 priority international markets
  • To solidify the country’s brand positioning, raise awareness, and generate quality leads among their target audience
  • An always-on strategy on LinkedIn with monthly campaigns rotated by industry
  • Narratives and creatives tailor-made for each campaign, with Custom Segment targeting to ensure relevant reach
  • Sponsored Content for top- and mid-funnel awareness and consideration, followed by retargeting warm audiences with Message Ads and Lead Gen Forms to nurture conversions


  • High quality audiences: Precise targeting by demographic profile, coupled with support from LinkedIn on using Custom Segments, enabled ITA and MAECI to reach precisely the right audience
  • Test-and-learn mindset: In addition to ongoing creative testing and optimisation, Pomilio Blumm uses manual bidding to maximise their budget. They start high to secure impressions before adjusting to find the optimal bid for each campaign.