Rohde & Schwarz fills its pipeline at 80% lower cost per lead on LinkedIn
Rohde & Schwarz fills its pipeline
at 80% lower cost per lead on LinkedIn
The challenge
Founded over 85 years ago, global technology group Rohde & Schwarz is represented in Asia Pacific through its Singapore headquarters. Its regional marketing team once struggled to grow their database of prospects due to the diversity of the region and low brand awareness.
In the past few years, however, the company’s digital transformation initiatives have brought digital marketing to the fore. Now, the Asia Pacific team uses LinkedIn to drive an impressive number of quality leads at up to 80% lower cost per lead compared to industry benchmarks.
“By relying on traditional marketing channels like tradeshows, we were missing out many prospects. We grew our marketing activity to online channels where engineers hang out so that we can educate, delight and nurture them throughout the buying journey."
Sze Ming Ng
Digital Marketing, Rohde & Schwarz
Sze Ming Ng
Digital Marketing, Rohde & Schwarz
Start lowering your cost per lead with linked today
Going where audiences are
When Rohde & Schwarz’s Asia Pacific team began exploring digital marketing channels in 2018, LinkedIn was the natural choice. With full-funnel objectives of growing brand awareness, nurturing prospects and generating quality leads, the team adopted an integrated organic and paid strategy on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn checks all the boxes
• Direct access to a large B2B professional audience
• Trusted environment that engineers already use to
search for, and consume, valuable content
• Robust targeting capabilities to direct relevant content
to specific audiences
• Rich ad format suite for optimal engagement
Marketing with efficiency
Rohde & Schwarz has also discovered the power of combining different LinkedIn ad formats. Recognising that Sponsored Messages offer a personalised, trustworthy alternative to traditional email, the team uses this, together with Sponsored Content, to raise awareness and nurture audiences towards conversion. Campaign Manager makes it easy to rotate multiple ad formats within a campaign, saving them significant time and resources as well.
Quick tips for better results
• Combine ad formats: Rohde & Schwarz uses
Sponsored Content + Sponsored Messages to
nurture audiences towards conversion
• Use Lead Gen Forms: The auto-fill function
makes it seamless for prospects
• Keep optimising: Leverage Campaign
Demographics insights to understand how
ads are performing
“LinkedIn offers a great balance between the quality and cost of leads.”
- Rohde & Schwarz
Rohde & Schwarz is a Munich-based technology group that develops, produces and sells a wide range of electronic capital
goods for industry and government customers with a focus on solutions that contribute to a safer and connected world. It is
recognised as a world market leader in wireless communications with a business presence in more than 70 countries globally.
HQ Location: Bayern, Germany | Number of Employees: 10,000+ | Industry: Telecommunications