Learn more about HockeyStack

HockeyStack enables marketing teams to drive pipeline efficiently and sales teams to close deals faster with modern attribution, holistic buyer journeys, and account insights.

How HockeyStack and LinkedIn work together

HockeyStack integrates with LinkedIn Ads to capture all interactions with ads, including impressions and engagement to tie your ad spend with revenue.

You can use single-touch and multi-touch attribution models as well as incrementality reports to understand which campaigns are driving the most revenue.

HockeyStack's mix modeling technology learns from your business goals and provides insights on not only which LinkedIn campaigns work, but also to what extent.


HockeyStack integrates with your entire tech stack, providing not only data but also actionable insights into which marketing and sales activities are working, and to what extent.

With HockeyStack, you can reverse-engineer your funnel, identifying which specific marketing (online and offline) or sales activities contribute to your deals, and to what extent.

HockeyStack is the only GTM analytics platform where you can tie every activity to the customer journey - from ad impressions to outbound sales calls.

With HockeyStack, you can:

  • See the impact of online and offline marketing activities
  • Uncover the buyer journey from the first impression to closed-won
  • Identify signals, trends, and patterns at contact and account levels
  • Detect and cut waste, and adjust GTM investments
  • See which touchpoints bring revenue and which don't
  • Simulate new budget scenarios and forecast performance
  • Identify anonymous website visitors and accounts

  • Build ABM lists with first-party and third-party intent data