Zapier connects LinkedIn with 6,000+ apps, so you can save time & focus on your most important work.
Learn more about Zapier
Zapier automatically moves info between LinkedIn and the apps you use, so you can save time, reduce tedious tasks, and focus on your important work.
How Zapier and LinkedIn work together
Zapier is a plug and play automation platform that connects LinkedIn solutions such as Lead Gen Forms, Matched Audiences, and Pages with thousands of the most popular apps, including HubSpot, Salesforce, Google Sheets, Mailchimp, and ActiveCampaign. In just a few minutes, you can set up workflows (called Zaps) that connect LinkedIn with the apps you use most. You can automatically add new leads to your CRM, update your Matched Audience lists, and much more—no manual work or coding required.
• Zapier is a no-code tool designed for anyone to use.
• Free and flexible pricing.
• Supports LinkedIn Conversions, Lead Gen Forms, Matched Audiences, and Pages.
• Webhook support for custom solutions.
• Easily install Conversions API for free with Zapier.
Earned badges
LinkedIn Certified
Visit Zapier website
Region Support
Lead Generation
Pricing Model
Free Trial
• Lead Gen Forms Integration
• Matched Audience Integration
• Pages Integration
• Conversions API Integration
• Case Study
• Zapier Help Center
• Zapier + LinkedIn eBook
• How to Get Started with LinkedIn Ads on Zapier
• MarketerHire Case Study
Private Policy
• Zapier Privacy Policy
Highlights of using Zapier with LinkedIn
Plug and play solution
Anyone can use Zapier to connect LinkedIn with thousands of your favorite apps.
Proven for LinkedIn ads
Thousands of LinkedIn advertisers use Zapier to automate their lead management.
Easily install Conversions API for free with Zapier
With thousands of apps on Zapier you are very likely to find the connection you need.
Automate your manual tasks
Stop manually downloading your leads or uploading matched audiences. Use Zapier to save time.
Integrates with these products or features
Lead Gen Forms, Contact Targeting
Get started with LinkedIn and Zapier