Tips for Helping Startups Improve Marketing ROI
July 28, 2021 | Customer Highlights
Three challenges that rank among the most commonly reported by marketers at startups:
Not have enough time to launch and optimize marketing campaigns
Not enough resources for marketing programs to be effective
Struggling to prove positive marketing ROI
When it comes to proving ROI with limited resources, technology makes the difference.
As a startup, chasing ambitious growth goals with finite budgets, technology can be leveraged to build more effective and efficient marketing programs, thereby increasing ROI. Here are three quick tips to get started with your marketing technology (MarTech) tool stack:
Evaluate and select MarTech systems based on immediate needs while looking at scalability for future growth
Many MarTech systems allow for simple and quick setup to work within your limited bandwidth and budgets, while still providing robust tools to support marketing campaign launches, data collection, insights and ROI reporting as you scale.
Consider using MarTech systems with versatile capabilities
As a marketer at a startup, you’re challenged to illustrate marketing performance across different marketing channels, gain insights into your buyer personas, and provide quick reports on ROI. This can be difficult without the right tools, so you’ll want to select a MarTech system that can handle multiple capabilities in one platform.
Integrate MarTech systems with LinkedIn marketing to accelerate growth while maximizing marketing ROI
MarTech systems with lead generation, marketing automation, audience insights and reporting capabilities are must-haves for high-performing marketers at startups. Integrating your systems and audience data with LinkedIn’s world class B2B marketing platform has been proven to support quick marketing ROI gains and assist in reaching aggressive growth goals.
Want to learn more about growing your marketing on LinkedIn efficiently for scale? Check out the
Startups' Guide to LinkedIn Marketing Partners.