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Anonymous information that is commonly collected includes:

  • IP address
  • Operating system
  • Browser type
  • Screen resolution
  • Time the website was visited
  • Activities on the website during a session
  • Encourage return visits to people who did not finish filling out a form
  • Show relevant products to people who have visited specific ecommerce pages
  • Share the site visitors company information with sales teams for targeted followups
  • Display “middle of funnel” ads such as pricing or comparison pages to frequent visitors
  • The company names of their most frequent visitors.
  • Visitors who have yet to fill out a form.
  • Size of the visitor’s company.
  • The follower’s job seniority.
  • The visitor’s geography.
  • The visitor’s industry.
  • Subscription renewal reminders.
  • Reengaging cold subscribers with relevant offers.
  • Targeted up-sells and cross sells based on purchasing behavior.

Here are just a few examples of how data from the LinkedIn Insight tag can be used:

  1. Tailor landing pages based on visitor data
    Using LinkedIn Insights, businesses can create landing pages and custom tailor their messaging to different segments of their audience.

  2. Build customer journeys and target mid-funnel pages
    In combination with targeting specific segments with LinkedIn ads, retargeting those same segments can move visitors through the buying journey to surface high-intent blog posts, ebooks, pricing pages, webinars.

  3. Retarget visitors who have filled out lead generation forms
    Using retargeting to show videos, comparison sheets, demos or other assets can play a valuable role in educating the prospect and shortening the sales cycle.

  4. Encourage up-sells, down-sells, cross-sales, and promotions
    Visitors may not find the right offer for their circumstance on the first visit. In which case, retargeting may be used to promote offers that better suit their situation.

    For example: If a visitor with a company of over 10,000 employees lands on a pricing page that only offers starter, basic, or advanced packages, a more relevant offer may be an enterprise solution which can be surfaced through retargeting.

    Likewise the opposite might be true for a visitor with fewer employees.

    Existing customers may be retargeted with cross-sales for add-on services, or frequent visitors who have not purchased may be shown special promotional offers to nudge them toward buying.

  5. Refine your target audiences
    For businesses who have started with broad targeting traffic acquisition campaigns, retargeting allows them to use what they’ve learned about their visitor’s industry, company size, job role, and seniority to see which audiences the broad campaigns are resonating with, then use the data to retarget visitors with their ideal customer profile, and improve all of their paid advertising efforts.