LinkedIn Business Manager Sneak Peek On-demand Webinar

On-Demand Video
Duration: 60 minutes
Slides and Resources

We’re constantly building new products to make it easier for businesses like yours to market on LinkedIn.

In this On-demand webinar, LinkedIn product experts share a sneak peek of LinkedIn Business Manager, how it will help make marketing across all your LinkedIn Ad Accounts and Pages easier, and how your organization can onboard.

Highlights Include:

• Business Manager Benefits: Learn how  your marketing across all your Ad Accounts, Pages, and Matched Audiences will get easier

• What to Expect when Onboarding: Get the tips that matter most so your organization can start using Business Manager when it’s available this summer

• Business Manager in Action: Get an exclusive peek at the live product

• Where we’re going: Learn more about the upcoming launch and LinkedIn’s long-term roadmap