After implementing conversion tracking via Dreamdata’s LinkedIn Conversions API connector, Eftsure saw a significant 40% reduction in cost per lead.

Streaming data through Conversions API and Dreamdata also led to a 10% increase in return on ad spend (ROAS).

Eftsure was able to prove the effectiveness of brand activity on the platform and unlocking data not inherently available in the LinkedIn Campaign Manager.

Prior to tapping into Dreamdata’s LinkedIn Conversions API connection, marketing's contribution to the sales pipeline ranged from 15-20%. However, with the implementation of advanced tracking and measurement capabilities through Dreamdata and the LinkedIn Conversions API, Eftsure was able to elevate marketing's demonstrated pipeline contribution to an impressive 35-40%.

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Australian FinTech solution Eftsure works with finance teams to protect outgoing payments from fraud.

Eftsure already found success in expanding its global market with LinkedIn Ads. The platform offers unsurpassed targeting capabilities that enable Eftsure to serve relevant ads to CFOs and Finance teams.

As their market grew, Eftsure needed enhanced measurement capabilities to more accurately track the offline impact of their ads and measure ROI holistically.

Attribution proved to be a significant challenge, particularly in quantifying the influence of advertising on revenue. Eftsure needed a solution that could provide insights into how their campaigns contributed to lead generation and conversions.

Taking advantage of LinkedIn's powerful targeting capabilities to reach CFOs, Eftsure leveraged Dreamdata’s LinkedIn Conversions API to serve ads and verify those ads were seen by the most relevant audience segment, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. The company implemented a full-funnel nurture strategy from brand awareness to consideration and lead generation.

To improve their tracking and measurement capabilities, Eftsure integrated Dreamdata with LinkedIn Ads. The LinkedIn Conversions API connection allowed Eftsure to track offline conversions more effectively, providing insights into how their campaigns on LinkedIn contributed to pipeline and revenue outcomes.

Additionally, Eftsure integrated LinkedIn Ads and Dreamdata with their Hubspot CRM, enabling a steady cycle of insights and opportunities across the full funnel.

Photo of two women working at a laptop
Luke Fielding