The Sophisticated Marketer's Guide to LinkedIn
First, build your company's brand and build trust with your community.
Second, create your first ad campaign on LinkedIn's ad platform.
Reach and engage a professional audience in the LinkedIn feed.
Engage your prospects where professional conversations happen.
Engage prospects with ads automatically personalized to them.
Self-service ad formats to create campaigns in minutes.
Discover how much it costs to advertise on LinkedIn.
Reach the people who matter most to your business.
Qualified leads come from a quality audience on LinkedIn.
An easy way to reach new audiences by amplifying your best content.
Measure the true impact of your LinkedIn ads.
Measure the ROI of your LinkedIn ads.
Choose your LinkedIn ad format based on your objective and customer journey.
LinkedSelling is an agency that helps B2B companies generate high-quality leads and appointments through social media and email. What better place to attract the right clientele for such services than LinkedIn, the leading social network for B2B lead gen? Trouble is, LinkedSelling hadn’t achieved stellar results through LinkedIn’s advertising platform by simply mirroring ad campaigns from other platforms. So, when LinkedIn released an array of new marketing products earlier this year, the LinkedSelling team decided to revamp its approach and restructure campaigns specifically for LinkedIn.
Seeking to align its LinkedIn marketing strategy with the sales funnel, LinkedSelling started using different products for different stages of the buying cycle. Their team had identified that beyond engagement or opt-ins, what really drives their business forward is appointments. They structured each of their campaigns around a simple process to get more qualified prospects to book a phone call with their sales team.
For colder prospects who were actively seeking out lead gen solutions or were not yet familiar with their brand, LinkedSelling ran Sponsored Content to drive awareness and engagement. With warmer audiences, the team would reach out directly through Sponsored InMail to spark conversations, or with highly targeted follow-up messaging via Text Ads and Dynamic Ads. “We just want to be in every location,” says Pat Henseler, LinkedSelling’s Director of Products. He adds that collaborating with sales reps to identify their most desirable audiences and building custom follow-up campaigns for new leads have been key to this fruitful approach.
new leads generated
return on ad spend
With a focused and dedicated strategy, LinkedSelling began to see tremendous improvements from marketing on LinkedIn. Henseler points to “volume and reliability” as hallmarks of his company’s lead generation results through LinkedIn. In just the past two months, their campaigns have generated over 820 new leads and seen a 7:1 return on ad spend in that same time period.
Henseler said that he might be most impressed by the vast reduction in closing time he sees when marketing on the platform. “On average, our agency clients sign in 27-to-36 days through other avenues. On LinkedIn, we see 16-to-18 days.” One particularly effective practice he calls out is having the sales team reach out to prospects that have taken some steps to indicate interest (i.e. they downloaded a report) but have not yet connected directly (i.e. they have not booked a call); these kinds of proactive steps make a big difference in helping LinkedSelling get their money’s worth from ad spend.
About LinkedSelling
LinkedSelling helps organizations increase sales utilizing LinkedIn. We offer training, custom workshops, and fully outsourced LinkedIn marketing campaigns. Our team has industry leading experience utilizing LinkedIn and other social media platforms to grow sales for companies of various sizes, throughout many industries.
INDUSTRY: Marketing & Advertising |
HQ LOCATION: St. Louis, MO |
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“LinkedIn typically generates high-value, high-qualified leads for us. The leads we’ve generated through LinkedIn have cut our closing time almost in half and generated a 7:1 return in the past few months.”
Generate leads, drive website traffic, and build brand awareness
Market to who matters
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