1. Hone your strategy with objective-based campaign creation

Objective-based campaign creation focuses on the actions you’d like your campaign to drive.

Some examples of objectives are:

2. Boost creativity and stand out from the crowd

Research shows that powerful creative can boost sales 10-20x and brands with creative advertising that harness emotion, on average acquire 198x more followers and 44% higher click through rates. We also know that video advertising is one of the most effective, yet underutilized marketing techniques.  

Marketers in need of a little creative inspiration and expertise can turn to LinkedIn’s marketing partners for content and creative assets to help boost campaign performance. They know what works on LinkedIn and are up to date on best practices and the latest ad formats.

Some examples of the content and creative services these partners provide are:

Video Content Partners

Instanteaser specializes in creating high-performance videos at scale with a user-friendly platform and seamless briefing workflow.

QuickFrame creates on-brand video content using a marketplace approach. They leverage the latest LinkedIn ad formats (like Connected TV ads) and have deep insight into video performance to help you make the best decisions to boost ROI.

SundaySky is an enterprise video platform designed to create, personalize, and distribute high-quality video at scale, perfect for ABM campaigns. With SundaySky marketers can efficiently create high-quality, professional-looking, personalized video content on their own.

Creative Content Partners

Transmission is an award-winning agency that helps you plan your marketing strategy with topic and professional audience intelligence and create innovative advertising experiences using the latest ad formats like Document Ads and Thought Leader Ads

VMG Digital is a global creative production company that produces creativity at scale. They support creative requirements from start to finish, always designing for platform best practices and objective-driven assets to ensure marketing goals are achieved.

3. Match your audience and get more targeting options for your ads with marketing partners

Matched Audiences combines your business data with LinkedIn’s professional data to uncover your best audiences. Marketing Partners allow you to get further audience insights, options, and engagement by offering:

  • Account and customer targeting: Build lists of accounts and ideal customer profiles for your Account Based Marketing (ABM) strategies.

  • Retargeting: Retarget user interactions off of LinkedIn, including web visits and content & event engagements. 

  • Dynamic targeting: Sync your lists once and never have to manually update them again.

  • Intent targeting: Use buying signals from other platforms and channels to create audiences in Campaign Manager.

Here are a few partners that can help with your targeting strategy on LinkedIn:

HubSpot: Refine your targeting based on detailed CRM insights and gain a comprehensive view of your advertising's impact through HubSpot’s advanced reporting and tracking features.

6sense: Use predictive and technographic data so you can concentrate your marketing efforts and budget on accounts that show genuine interest in your products.

Demandbase: Execute highly targeted intent-based marketing campaigns.

G2: Discover which accounts are exploring your category, engaging with your product profile or even considering your competitors.

4. Boost ROI and maximize your budget

Setting budgets is easy with LinkedIn’s daily and lifetime budget tools:

  • Schedule: Choose continuous or fixed start and end dates for daily and lifetime budgets.

  • Pacing: Find real-time data about your spend and when to adjust it. Lifetime pacing predicts platform activity and optimizes spend by distributing your budget accordingly. Combine lifetime budget and lifetime pacing for the best results.

  • Campaign Groups: Group related campaigns to share a budget, schedule, run status, and report across multiple campaigns.

5. Track your conversions and refine your strategy

LinkedIn Marketing Partners for Signals offer specialized services to help you evaluate your campaigns accurately and efficiently. 

Conversions for ad campaigns are specific desired reactions to your ads such as:

  • Downloading content

  • Purchasing 

  • Registering for an event

On LinkedIn, conversions are associated with your ad campaign to determine ROI. In addition, conversion tracking unlocks features such as automated bidding and mining demographic data.

Here are some of our Signals  partners with measurement services:

Zapier is a plug and play automation platform that connects LinkedIn solutions such as Conversion Tracking, Lead Gen Forms, Matched Audiences, and Pages with thousands of the most popular apps, including HubSpot, Salesforce, Google Sheets, Mailchimp, and ActiveCampaign. In just a few minutes, you can set up workflows (called Zaps) that connect LinkedIn with the apps you use most. You can automatically add new leads to your CRM, update your Matched Audience lists, and much more—no manual work or coding required

Dreamdata's B2B Revenue Attribution Platform connects data from across your go-to-market tech stack to offer unprecedented insight into your B2B customer journey. From anonymous first touch to closed-won, Dreamdata puts an end to guesswork and delivers actionable analysis of what really drives your revenue.

Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows you to quickly and easily update measurement codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on your website or mobile app.

The Adverity platform is modular, meaning that it can provide you with a one-stop-shop for data integration, reporting and advanced analytics, as well as seamlessly integrate with your existing tech stack. Whether your focus is to report on multiple campaigns on LinkedIn, or whether you want to combine LinkedIn data with other datasets to get a broader understanding of your marketing spend, Adverity will help you reduce time to insight and optimize your campaigns and budget allocation.

Elevate Your Campaigns on LinkedIn

Take your advertising strategies to the next level. LinkedIn’s marketing partners have advanced capabilities for the best ad campaign results and the most accurate campaign tracking.

See how LinkedIn Marketing Partners can elevate your ad strategy today.